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Performance testing of Friesian horses are important to the KFPS. Good results in these tests influence the grading at inspections and are even conditional to the definitive Crown or Model declaration.

A good preparation is key! Together with you we deliberate which type of performance test is best for your horse, characterwise and judging its abilities.


At Stal Sibma we take care of a professional preparation of your horse for the ABFP test. We make sure your horse has the needed level in training and is in a good condition that makes sure that it can make a good start at the test. Because well begun, is half done!


For an IBOP test, your horse is in training for a larger period of time. We do not only take care of the preparation, but also the presentation at the IBOP itself (only dressage). During the training we keep closely in touch with you about the progression of your horse toward the planned IBOP. You are ensured of an optimal preparation of your horse.

 For more information you can contact us through the contact form on this website or by calling +31 (0)6 271 52 867 (Piet Sibma)



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